Monday, April 13, 2009

Chuck Liddel holds a degree in accounting too!

So, I just graduated from Sheridan College in Oakville, ON with a 3 year diploma in Business Administration at possibly the worst time to look for a job in 50 years!

I LOVE anything computer related, although my major was accounting in college! I like to learn about OS's, programming, networks, just figuring things out.

I run a HP dv2990, artist edition, just to stand out.

Currently dual booting Ubuntu with Vista. No problems at all.
No matter how many people seem to complain about them both.

I set up this blog to just talk with other computer geeks that like to learn. I'm currently studying for A+ and Network+ certifications. I plan to do my MCSE certification after that.

If I could land an entry level job in IT, I would be satisfied. For now....

Chuck Liddel holds a degree in accounting. His mom told him that would always be there.

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